allumni association
alumni association
- To increase interaction or help to increase interaction between Past students of college and Present students of this college.
- To render consultations or provide Placement services associated with Past students in the field of Arts, Commerce and Science.
- To enhance, modernize, upgrade the existing facilities at the Arts, Commerce & science college and also to improve and upgrade quality of education as per requirement of UGC-RUSA, Mumbai University and other industry and society with the help of past students.
- To make available Industrial trainings, Internship programs, placement and other facilities to present students through the help of Past students in various Industries.
- To print, publish and circulate books, papers, journals, periodicals, College magazines, and circulars for the promotion of Arts, Commerce & science research, program activities, etc. at colleges for knowing college progress.
- To grant Scholarships to deserving students for Higher Education.
- To undertake, conduct, carry on scientific/Academic study and research in Arts, Commerce & science.
- To organize or assist in the organization of Expert Lectures, seminars, advanced courses or conferences, get together for Arts, Commerce & science graduated pupils etc.
- To encourage educational, cultural, fund raising, sports and such other activities as governing body may deem feet in furtherance of the objects of the AAARCV.
- To prepare and maintain an up to date directory of past and present students of AAARCV.
- To do all such lawful things as are conducive or incidental to the attainment of the above objects provided that the AAARCV shall not support with its funds or Endeavour to impose or Procure to be observed by its members or others, any regulation or restrictions which, if an
object if AAARCV would make it a Trade Union. - To recognize noteworthy achievements of the Past students.
The mission of Alumni Association of Anandibai Raorane Arts, Commerce and Science College is to:
assist and advance the alumni in the pursuit of excellence, continue the friendships formed in the
College, build strong and mutually beneficial ties between the College and its diverse alumni, promote
goodwill in the community and create a dynamic alumni program that will stimulate interest, build
loyalty, increase involvement and generate support for the College.
The Alumni Association will achieve this vision through its mission of
• Promoting a strong relationship between alumni and the College
• Advancing the unique needs of alumni, while supporting the College’s goals
• Developing an awareness of College’s history, accomplishments, programs, and
Jobs offerings
• Promoting a sense of College pride among all graduates & Post Graduates
• Providing the College with insight into the needs of the communities it serves.